Literature Search Services

Empower your research with relevant and comprehensive literature search.

Literature Search for better Manuscript writing

Enago LifeSciences offers literature search services using biomedical databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Medline, and EMBASE among others. Our team is flexible to your budget and time limitations and can be scaled based on the scope of your objectives. We provide comprehensive and relevant literature to boost your research and add perspective to your manuscripts. We also provide systematic reviews and evidence-based answers to further enhance your research.

What We Do

Literature Search entails more than just accessing data—it demands a profound understanding of scientific intricacies and adept navigation of extensive databases to uncover the most relevant articles.

Exhaustive Data Mining

Our adept team uses the latest that data mining has to offer, ensuring that our literature search is complete and relevant. We compile literature tailored to your requirement giving you access to previously published articles that enable you to create more insightful manuscripts.

Curating Search Terms with Seasoned Scientific Writers

Our scientific writers experienced in specific therapeutic areas or products, diligently curate search terms and strings. With their expertise, we use renowned databases including PubMed, EMBASE, Ovid, and others to retrieve relevant data that is pivotal for you to achieve your research goals.

Methodical Presentation for Informed Analysis

We take pride in our systematic organization of the results. Whether presented in a predefined template or a custom report, our presentation method allows for easy analysis. This meticulous structuring ensures that the essence of the data is readily available, facilitating insightful decision making.

How We Help

  • Unveiling Research Significance We deep dive into research results, extracting the essence and significance. Through our literature search/review, we provide answers to medical queries, reinforcing scientific statements with substantial evidence.
  • Crafting Original Research Papers and Reviews Our expertise extends to developing original research papers and review articles. We transform the extracted knowledge into impactful publications that contribute to the scientific discourse.
  • Strategic Literature Searches We deploy literature search strategies to uncover the publication histories of therapeutic areas. This information forms the basis for gap analyses and the development of comprehensive publication plans.
  • Ongoing Literature Surveillance Our commitment doesn't end at a single interaction. We offer repeated weekly or monthly literature searches, providing you with the latest publications and clinical trial registrations. This approach ensures you remain current and equipped to make well-informed decisions.

Additional Custom Literature Search Services

Literature Review Bibliography

Review Bibliography

We compile comprehensive bibliographies for your literature reviews, ensuring your research is anchored on a robust foundation.

Literature Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis

Our expertise extends to identifying gaps in existing literature, guiding your research towards impactful contributions.

Literature Search and Updates

Literature Search
and Updates

Our thorough literature search and updates provides you with the latest insights for your projects.

Clinical Trial Compendium

Trial Compendium

We enable you to stay informed about the latest clinical trial studies through our curated compendia.

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What Sets Us Apart

Enago Life Sciences Rich Publishing Experience

Rich Publishing Experience

Enago has vast experience working with medical and journal publishers, helping researchers succeed in publishing their research, making it a preferred partner.

Enago Life Sciences Success Partnership

Scalable and Customizable

Your objectives are paramount. We provide solutions adaptable to your needs. Our team is flexible and scalable to your project requirements.

Enago Life Sciences Our Core Team

Core Team

Our experienced leadership in medical communications and publishing has effectively overseen global scientific exchange in the Americas, Europe, and APAC region.

Enago Life Sciences Global reach and local networks

Global Reach and
Local Networks

We offer global-scale efficiency along with local-market responsiveness. Our network can support your medical communications needs locally and globally.

Enago Life Sciences Expertise throughout drug development

Expertise Throughout Drug Development

Our experienced team collaborates with you to provide solutions from the initial discovery phase through to the post-market launch stages across therapeutic areas.

Enago Life Sciences Localization Leadership

Localization in
200+ Languages

We provide end to end localization solutions, and have worked with some of the biggest names in the industry to help them meet their globalization goals.

Thought Leadership

Client Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

We conduct large-scale systematic literature review (SLR) components for projects that require HTA submissions, regulatory approvals, and evidence claims. No matter how large the study is, we efficiently and rigorously run thousands of studies at the screening and extraction stage.
We have access to various databases, including but not limited to PubMed (MEDLINE), EMBASE, Cochrane Library,, etc. The specific databases searched depend on the research requirements.
The literature search process involves defining a research question, developing a search strategy with relevant databases and keywords, and conducting the search. Researchers screen and evaluate selected articles, organize and summarize key findings, and write a structured literature review with proper citations. The search is continuously updated to include new research and reassess sources, ensuring a comprehensive understanding and identifying gaps for further study.
The cost of a literature review is typically influenced by factors such as the complexity of the research topic, the depth and breadth of the literature to be covered, and the specific requirements of the review that meet the purpose and intended end users/audience.
Our literature search services empower your research with relevant and comprehensive literature searches using biomedical databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Medline, and EMBASE. Our flexible and scalable approach caters to your budget and time limitations, providing comprehensive and relevant literature to enhance your research and manuscripts.