Ad Board Strategies and Planning: A MedComms Agency Perspective

Advisory boards (ad boards) play a pivotal role in medical affairs, particularly in publications planning. Ad boards are more than just meetings—they are strategic tools that help shape the direction of scientific communication. By leveraging insights from key opinion leaders (KOLs) and subject matter experts (SMEs), these boards ensure that publication strategies align with the latest clinical data, regulatory requirements, and therapeutic trends. This blog explores ad board strategies and planning from the perspective of a MedComms agency that specializes in publications planning, drawing on principles from leading organizations like the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP) and the Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS).

The Strategic Value of Ad Boards in Publications Planning

Ad boards serve as crucial forums for gathering expert insights that directly influence the development and dissemination of scientific publications. In publications planning, the objective of an ad board is not just to validate ideas but to refine strategies, ensure compliance with ethical standards, and enhance the scientific rigor of the content. This strategic value is particularly emphasized by organizations like ISMPP, which prioritize transparency, integrity, and adherence to best practices in medical publication.

For a MedComms agency, the primary function of an ad board is to align the publication strategy with both scientific goals and the broader objectives of the client, whether a pharmaceutical company or a medical device manufacturer. This alignment ensures that publications are not only scientifically sound but also impactful and relevant to the target audience, including healthcare professionals, regulatory bodies, and the wider medical community.

Key Considerations for Ad Board Planning

Defining Clear Objectives

The first step in ad board planning is establishing clear, actionable objectives. According to best practices outlined by ISMPP, these objectives should be specific, measurable, and tied to the overall publication strategy. For instance, the ad board may aim to assess the robustness of new clinical data, explore potential publication outlets, or determine the best way to communicate complex scientific messages.

Expert Selection and Diversity

Selecting the right mix of KOLs and SMEs is critical. The sponsor must ensure that the ad board comprises individuals with the relevant expertise, geographic representation, and clinical experience. This diversity helps gather a broad range of perspectives, which is essential for addressing various facets of publication planning, from scientific accuracy to cultural sensitivity in communication.

Developing a Focused Agenda

A well-structured agenda is crucial for a successful ad board. Drawing on guidelines from MAPS, it’s important that the agenda not only covers the key topics but also allows for interactive discussions. The agenda should be crafted to facilitate both in-depth analysis and open dialogue, with clear time allocations for each topic to keep the meeting on track.

Pre-Meeting Preparation

Preparation is key to maximizing the effectiveness of an ad board. Participants should receive comprehensive pre-meeting materials, including background documents, draft manuscripts, or key data points, well in advance. This ensures that the experts are fully informed and can provide valuable input during the discussions. Pre-meeting surveys can also be used to identify key areas of interest or concern, allowing for a more targeted discussion.

Best Practices for Executing Ad Boards

Effective Facilitation

The role of the facilitator is to guide the discussion, ensuring that all voices are heard and that the meeting remains focused on the objectives. An experienced facilitator from the MedComms agency can manage the dynamics of the discussion, steering it toward actionable outcomes. This involves balancing the input of different experts, managing any conflicts, and ensuring that the discussion stays on track.

Enhancing Engagement

Engaging KOLs during the ad board is essential for eliciting the best insights. Techniques such as interactive polling, breakout sessions, and case study discussions can enhance participation and lead to more nuanced insights. Especially in a virtual or hybrid setting, as seen increasingly in the post-pandemic world, these tools are invaluable for maintaining a high level of engagement.

Comprehensive Documentation

Accurately capturing the discussions is crucial for translating them into strategic actions. Detailed minutes, along with a synthesis of key takeaways, ensure that the insights from the ad board are effectively communicated to the broader team. This documentation is not only useful for immediate follow-up but also serves as a reference for future publications planning efforts.

Strategic Follow-Up

After the ad board, the MedComms agency must translate the insights gained into tangible actions. This could involve revising the publication strategy, updating manuscripts based on feedback, or initiating new projects. The follow-up is also an opportunity to maintain engagement with the KOLs, fostering long-term relationships that can be beneficial for future collaborations.

Integrating Ad Board Insights into Publication Strategies

The insights gained from ad boards are invaluable for refining and enhancing publication strategies. They help ensure that scientific messaging is both accurate and aligned with the latest clinical evidence and regulatory requirements. Moreover, ad boards can uncover new perspectives or gaps in the current strategy, enabling the agency to address them proactively. According to MAPS, integrating these insights not only improves the quality of the publications but also ensures that they meet the needs of the target audience.

For a MedComms agency, the ability to effectively plan and execute ad boards is a testament to its expertise in publications planning. These meetings are a strategic asset, providing the insights necessary to develop high-impact publications that advance scientific knowledge and support the client’s goals.


Ad boards are a cornerstone of effective publications planning. By strategically leveraging these meetings, agencies can ensure that their publication strategies are informed by expert insights, aligned with ethical standards, and positioned for maximum impact. As the landscape of medical communications continues to evolve, the role of ad boards remains integral to the success of scientific publishing, ensuring that the final outputs are both scientifically robust and aligned with the needs of the medical community.

Please contact us at for any ad board planning assistance!


  1. ISMPP – International Society for Medical Publication Professionals. Available at:
  2. MAPS – Medical Affairs Professional Society. Available at:



Dr. Anupama Kapadia
General Manager, Enago Life Sciences
Connect with Anupama on LinkedIn



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