Elevating Manuscript Integrity with Comprehensive Literature Review and Logical Narrative

Client Testimonial

With your help, the overall paper is what I envisioned!

Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Dokkyo Medical University, Japan

Enago Life Sciences effectively

Project Summary:

We addressed a manuscript's lack of citations and structure for a leading medical university in Japan. By conducting a thorough literature search and enhancing content, flow, and visuals, we secured its acceptance in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, strengthening our client relationship and showcasing our expertise.



The client provided a fully developed manuscript on specialized sub-therapeutic areas, but it lacked citations and references. Our task involved quality control, language enhancement, and integrating credible sources. Despite challenges with disorganized structure and unreliable literature, we successfully refined the manuscript for improved clarity and accuracy.


Review and Assessment

  • Upon reviewing the file, we identified a lack of structure and faced difficulties in back-referencing, primarily due to unreliable literature from non-credible sources.

Literature Search and Content Expansion

  • Initiated new literature search based on major headings.
  • Expanded content while removing redundant and derivative material.
  • Meticulously ensured credibility and reliability in sourced literature.
  • Focused on authenticity, meticulously incorporating credible citations and references.

Enhanced Visual Elements

  • To elevate the overall draft, we introduced new images and tables, enhancing the visual appeal of the manuscript.

Flow Improvement

  • Dedicated efforts to enhance content flow for logical progression and coherence.
  • Refined final output to be well-structured and submission-ready, aligning with study objectives and manuscript writing standards.
  • In-depth input on infographics and author's perspective contributed to manuscript improvement.

Journal Feedback and Revisions

  • Submitted manuscript to Journal of Clinical Medicine (Impact Factor: 3.9).
  • Review comments noted lack of pathophysiology aspects and suggested removal of irrelevant topics.
  • Promptly addressed significant review comments, revising manuscript accordingly.
  • Successfully accepted revised version, marking significant milestone.

Impact :

  • Successful acceptance of revised manuscript fulfilled client's immediate requirements and had broader impact.
  • Incorporation of credible citations and references elevated manuscript's credibility for rigorous academic scrutiny.
  • Challenges faced prompted streamlining of processes, leading to increased efficiency in handling complex projects with variable source material.
  • Success of the initial project expanded collaboration with client, underscoring their confidence in our capabilities.

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